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This dashboard can be easily configured to an existing Azure SQL Database, and you can enable these features for a specific Azure SQL DB which requires performance troubleshooting.
You can do Query-level analytics to know the minimum, average and maximum performance variations of each Azure SQL queries. Options to quickly drill through the queries according to their execution status, such as, ‘Completed’, ‘Cancelled’, ‘Failed’.
1) DB Performance over a time period 2) Shows only the performance metric on a total basis 3) NO options to drill through the queries according to their execution status 4) Ability to see Plan IDs for a specific date only
1a) DB Performance over a time period 1b) Added Query-specific analysis 2) Besides showing the performance metric on a total basis, the minimum, average and maximum metrics can also be fetched 3) HAS options to drill through the queries according to their execution status 4) Ability to see Plan IDs for over a range of dates
$299 $99
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